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Logo Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVRLogo Landschaftsverband Rheinland
Foto: Aussenansicht des Max Ernst Museums Brühl des LVR Foto: Foyer des Max Ernst Museums Key Visual zu Eine surreale Küstenlandschaft


View inside the fantasy lab with worktables and work material


Following the LVR museums’ motto “Culture for Everyone” – the LVR is Germany’s biggest service provider for people with special needs, promoting inclusion in all areas of life – we offer various programs for people with special needs. This includes special guided tours of the museum and workshops at the Fantasy Lab for people with physical disabilities or learning difficulties. We also organize inclusive events such as “Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe – Kunstwerkstatt für Gehörlose und Hörende” (Communicating at eye-level – art workshop for the deaf and hard-of-hearing as well as hearing individuals). Other courses are tailored to the needs of people with dementia. Our special exhibit for blind and visually impaired visitors presents Max Ernst’s art in a tactile way; there are three plinths with bronze castings which use Max Ernst’s repertoire of shapes and which can be touched.

In addition, the museum offers audio guides in simple German. An audio guide for blind and visually impaired people was developed in collaboration with the LVR-Center for the Media and Education to provide additional sensory access for our visitors.

The museum and the nearby Fantasy Lab are mostly barrier-free. At the museum, there is a barrier-free entrance as well as handicapped bathrooms and reserved parking. The Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR is also certified by an organization for barrier-free tourism (Reisen für alle) to help provide detailed information about the museum and its surroundings for people with special needs.