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Logo Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVRLogo Landschaftsverband Rheinland
Foto: Aussenansicht des Max Ernst Museums Brühl des LVR Foto: Foyer des Max Ernst Museums Eine surreale Küstenlandschaft



The Fantasy Lab

Our art workshops are held at the Fantasy Lab (Fantasie Labor). In the bright atmosphere of the two modern and well-equipped studio rooms in Max Ernst’s birth house, which was renovated with the kind support of the cultural and social foundation of Provinzial Rhineland, art lovers of all ages can get creative together. Works by Max Ernst provide inspiration and an opportunity to explore the art movements of the 20th century. There is also a broad selection of events including guided tours, talks, and workshops. The practical courses held by experts in art education for specific target groups are based on the wide variety of techniques used in such innovative ways by Max Ernst and the artistic positions and contents of our temporary exhibitions. Group workshops can be booked in advance, but there are also open events such as “Samstagsdruck” (Saturday Printing) or “Kunst aktiv” (Active Art) for curious adults, as well as “Offene Kinderwerkstatt” (Open Children’s Workshop) and “Gross & Klein” (Big & Small) for families and even grandparents and grandchildren. Adults and children of all ages can also celebrate their birthday at the Fantasy Lab and explore techniques used by Max Ernst.

A highlight at the Fantasy Lab is the printing press, which can be used for a wide variety of printing techniques. All workshops include a group visit to the museum to explore the collection and the temporary exhibitions. Various activities are offered for school and kindergarten classes. During the school breaks, there are special workshops that explore a topic over the course of several days. But the Fantasy Lab is not only a classroom away from school. We also offer professional education for school and kindergarten teachers. Workshops on various art-related topics and events including lectures, theater performances, and media workshops round off the broad selection of activities at the Fantasy Lab.

Max Ernst’s birth house
Schloßstraße 21
50321 Brühl

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kulturinfo rheinland

Phone: +49 (0) 22 34 / 99 21 - 555 | Fax +49 (0) 22 34 / 99 21 - 300

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Guided tours also available in English, French, Dutch, Italian and German Sign Language; touch tours and other tactile experiences. Tours through the temporary exhibitions can be requested. You are welcome to contact us!