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Logo Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVRLogo Landschaftsverband Rheinland
Foto: Aussenansicht des Max Ernst Museums Brühl des LVR Foto: Foyer des Max Ernst Museums Eine surreale Küstenlandschaft


Das Max Ernst Museum vor blauem Himmel

Foto: LVR-Zentrum für Medien und Bildung / Dominik Schmitz



This website is published by the Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR). The LVR is a public corporation. It is represented by LVR Director Ulrike Lubek.


Landschaftsverband Rheinland
Kennedy-Ufer 2
50679 Köln

USt-IdNr.: DE 122 656 988

Competent supervisory authority

Ministry of Home Affairs, Municipal Affairs, Building and Digitisation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Jürgensplatz 1, 40219 Düsseldorf

Responsible within the meaning of Section 18 Media State Treaty (MStV)

LVR Communications Department
Direction: Dr. Doris Hildesheim
Tel. 0221 809-0
Fax 0221 809-2200

Responsible in the LVR Department of Culture and Environment

Head of Department Dr Corinna Franz
Tel 0221 809-3785 or -3786
Fax 0221 809-3679

Responsible at the Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR

Public Relations
Tel. 02232 5793 - 111
Fax 0221 82843064

Online offering – Overall coordination

LVR Departmental Communication
Online Editorial Office
Jennifer Büth / Jürgen Grommes / Andrea Steinert


LVR Centre for Media and Education, Düsseldorf
LVR-InfoKom, Cologne

Web Server and Technical Support:

LVR-InfoKom – The System House of the LVR
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The Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR) makes its website available under the following terms of use:

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  • 2. If a text is written by a third party, the respective author is named. In these cases, the author of the respective document or his client is responsible for the content.

2. Disclaimer within the meaning of Section 8 TMG:
The LVR expressly does not adopt the content of external websites made accessible via hyperlinks as its own and can, therefore, not guarantee the correctness, completeness and availability of their content. The LVR has no influence on the current and future design and content of the linked pages and expressly distances itself from them. If the LVR discovers (or becomes aware) that the linked websites contain illegal content or content that is incompatible with the LVR’s mission statement, the corresponding links will be removed immediately.


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Link Impressum Social Media Angebote des Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR


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